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Housing Success Story

For over 25+ years, Centerboard has been a key organization involved in providing permanent housing solutions and continues to support, educate and promote individuals and families to gain financial independence and stability.

This summer, one of Centerboard’s residents shared their amazing success story about her experience from entering Centerboard’s scattered sites program in 2020 and successfully graduating and moving out of the shelter in 2024!

Check out Sam’s story below and learn more about Centerboard’s housing programs by visiting us https://centerboard.org/.

Samantha is a mom of 3 who entered one of our Scattered Sites in 2020. June has been an exciting month for Samantha and her family. She successfully earned her High School Equivalence Certificate and she transitioned out of shelter into her new apartment.

“My name is Samantha. Centerboard has been a part of my life for as long as I can remember. From when I was a child growing up with my father all the way up to my adulthood with my own three children. They provide the support and resources to those of us who don’t receive it elsewhere, such as family or friends. Although I recently completed the program, I wanted to express the amount of love and gratitude that I have in my heart for the effort they put into helping me become a better version of myself. It truly feels as though I couldn’t have done it without them. I’ll forever be grateful and appreciative.”

✨Congratulations Samantha!✨

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