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Meet our Board Member: Carolina Trujillo

Tell us a little bit about your company, profession or service?  

I am the executive director of Citizens Inn. Citizens helps families and individuals who are experiencing a housing crisis or food insecurity by providing them with a safe place to stay and a meal on the table offering tools to empower them to find permanent solutions to break the patterns of instability in their lives. 

Why is your business a member of PACC - 

We believe in the power of teamwork and understand that it takes more than one agency to generate positive societal change. 

Why you wanted to be a member of the PACC board - 
I am interested in expanding my professional network and working alongside other likeminded professionals to help with the improvement of the city. 

Something personal about you - 

I was a national track star in the 100 meters, 200 meters, long jump, and short relay in Colombia. 


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