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Meet the Member: Gravoc

Name of Business – GraVoc
Owners: Cathy and Dave Gravel

Tell us a little bit about your company, profession or service:
For the past 28 years GraVoc has taken a common sense approach to addressing customers needs with technology based solutions.  Our process is first to understand what problem or need a customer is trying to address, and then identify the best possible solution using technology specific to their need.  Our tag line is “Our Business is Your Success” and that is the cornerstone of our mission.  We are 65 full time employees and we service a global market.

We help business customers from any industry identify and understand their business needs and then we find and implement the right technology based solution to address those needs.

What led to your choice of profession, career or starting this business?
I was formerly a CFO of a publicly traded company.  When I negotiated the sale of that company to GE Capital, I was contracted to help manage the transition of that company to the buyer.  During the contract period I was actively being recruited for CFO positions with other companies but restricted by agreement to take any position until my contract was completed.  During that time a friend asked if I would help the company he worked for implement an accounting system.  When I was free to do that I did, and I found I liked helping companies use technology.  My wife Cathy encouraged me to start a business to do just that, and the rest is history.

What do you do that is different from your competitors?
We have a couple of differentiators that make us special.   We treat each customer uniquely, understanding their needs and then design technology based solutions that specifically meets their needs.  While many companies in our industry take the “one size fits all approach” we look to right size our solution for the customer.  Finally we can offer a full 360 Degree solution under the same roof with four tightly integrated practices that offer a myriad of services.  Literally a one-stop shop.

What would your clients say about your and your company?
We have many clients that have been with us for many years which is a tribute to the services that we provide.  I think our customers would say we are honest, sincere, caring and very service oriented.  Our focus has always been on building a partnership with our customers for the long term and not just a focus on a project.  I think our customer’s respect what we have become and enjoy a relationship with our company.

Is there a non profit organization that you feel passionate about?
Cathy and I believe strongly in giving back to organizations we are passionate about.  We support a number of non-profits reflecting these causes.  To name a few – Peabody Rotary, Peabody Education Foundation, Santa’s Magic, Alzheimers, Citizen’s Inn, Progeria, North Shore Community Action, Haven from Hunger, Metro North YMCA and many more.  While we donate a portion of our profits every year to our charitable foundation so that we can help non-profits carry out their critical mission, we also get actively involved with boots on the ground.  We also encourage all of our employees to get involved and reinforce at every opportunity that this is a core pare of our culture and DNA.

Is there anything else you'd like to share about you or your business?
We are family owned and family operated and we have built that aspect into our overall corporate culture.  We see all of our employees as our extended family and as we have often said “We laugh when they laugh, we cry when they cry, and we are always there together”.

For Cathy and me, success provides us with the opportunity to share with others – something we truly love to do. Personally, Cathy-owned and operated a seamstress business  Dave- worked for 10 years with the Migrant Education Program serving the educational needs of the children of migrant farm workers.

To learn more about our company you can visit our website (Gravoc.com) , follow us on all social media channels, or just give us a call (978-938-9055) – we are here to serve and to help!


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